Never say you don't like something until you know for sure that you don't like it.
On Saturday we went out for tempura. The menu was interesting (i couldn't read anything so I had to order just by looking at the pictures) I had shrimp, egg plant and green beans. It was actually pretty good. The food has been pretty good. We had salmon twice at the Tanokura's house. Not my favorite but eatable. :)
Lesson # 2
If all else fails, nod and smile nod and smile...oh and bow a lot.....(Thanks Mrs. Robison!)
Lesson # 3
This is the hardest by far to remember:
Home is where the heart is. Let me explain. I've been very homesick lately as most of you know but I know everything is ok. People keep reminding me that I'm not alone and that I with Family, not blood family, but family that's even closer because we are the church. I seem to keep forgetting that.
You know those stupid quiz things that ask like your interests and heroes and whatever else? Well I always put God in those areas. But I'm quickly finding that it must not be true. I mean yes God is my hero but if I truly believed that then I wouldn't feel so alone or sad. I'm starting to believe that and live like He is. Its hard but its also the only way I'm going to get through these next 5 weeks. The first week is the hardest (I hope) and its over.
My mom always tells me to think of Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.
Step one: TRUST
Step three: Enjoy!!
I know I keep saying I'll post pictures so Let me dig up a few:
This is the church sign....

This is the food I've had so far:
Udon (SP?)

At the Takahashi's (sorry I still don't know how to spell it):
The first night we had this quiche thing with salad and steak. Maki made it and it was sooo good. The second night we had:
Tacos! Maki is a REALLY good cook :)
Well the picture won't load so I'm not sure what to do...anyway...
Everything is coming along great. I don't want to show too many pictures cause I want to surprise you guys with the slideshow at church...
Hope you enjoyed this post. More to come later.
God Bless!
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