So the fieldwork semester for Teacher Credentialing has ended and TPA 2 has been successfully passed with 3 out of a possible 4. That was such a blessing and there was nothing but the sigh of relief heard throughout the education department. Well, that, and the sound of students rushing to turn in the last couple of assignments before Christmas break. There was a great amount of grace given to the secondary ed students (myself included) as we were given time to turn in the last assignments which are due Jan 3. Unfortunately, I took advantage of that opportunity and am still pushing to get them all finished. It has been a nice Christmas break in snow-filled Whitefish, Montana. It's all white outside and warm inside with the fire and the scent of homemade tamales and enchiladas in the air.
I have taken up a new hobby (which only took 16 years to actually persevere). I am practicing my Crochet skills and am doing pretty well if I do say so myself. I'm about 1/3 way done with a scarf, I've finished a flower (needs a little work) and I made a pan-handle cover for my mom's skillet. That was the first project (scarf turned pan handle cover). Even though it doesn't look too good, my mom loves it so that's all that counts right?
I'm just plugging along trying to finish this 3 week unit and then I should be done with the hw and completely finished with the semester. :)

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