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"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." I'm a 25 year old girl trying to figure out life in regards to ministry, career, and relationships and striving to glorify God in everything.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

It's been awhile since my last post! That tends to be the trend... I post and then forget about my blog because I'm too busy and I forget about it. But I am so excited about this I have to share! But first, a little back story...

I decided at the beginning of 2014 that this was going to be the year that I get fit and healthy. Due to seeing results from friends, I bought Insanity (after three or four years of watching infomercials and wanting to buy it so badly, but not knowing if it was actually worth it). Very soon after purchasing it, I bought a Groupon for Crossfit and went to classes for about three months and tried to follow the Paleo "diet". I decided I would try 21 Day Fix because a co-worker told me about it and I saw some great results! She talked to me about it for about three months (right after I bought the Groupon) and I really wanted to buy it but I couldn't afford it. So finally, the wait is over. After a frustrating experience with the USPS, I finally received my Beachbody Box and immediately began to figure out how to customize the system to work for me.

What is it?
21 Day Fix is a home nutrition and fitness program that teaches the user portion control using 7 containers of different sizes and colors. Each color represents a food group: Green- Protein; Purple - Fruit; Red- Protein; Blue- good fats; Yellow- Carbs; Orange- Nuts/seeds; Teaspoon for oils and butters (olive, coconut, peanut, almond, etc.) You also receive two DVDs with a variety of different work outs ranging from 10-30 minutes long. All you need are weights, resistance bands, a yoga mat, and a towel.

This is the whole system. The containers look small but they really pack it in. I'm having a hard time finishing all the containers for the day!

I started this program yesterday and I'm finding it a lot easier to stick to than I had originally thought. 
I'm posting for accountability as well as to get the word out because I am very confident in this product and I hope more people get into it! If I see some good results by the last day, my goal is to become a Beachbody Coach and sell the product! I'm not a sales person and I hate the idea of selling something that I'm not passionate about. So far, I am passionate about this!

This was my first workout: Total Body Cardio Fix
Duration: 30 Minutes
Intensity: Moderate

Beginning Measurements: 
Waist: 34
Chest: 38.5
Arms: 12
Neck: 14.5
Hip: 41
Weight: Haha... right. That'll be my secret. But i'll post the amount of lbs. lost :)

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