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"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." I'm a 25 year old girl trying to figure out life in regards to ministry, career, and relationships and striving to glorify God in everything.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 3

Day 3: Hunger Pangs

Today I didn't eat as much for snack so by the time lunch rolled around I was starving. I was going to opt out of eating the chips and salsa but by the time we got to the restaurant it was already 2 and food wasn't close to being on it's way. I decided since today was the last day of school I was going to celebrate but not go crazy. I did go a little crazy though... The good thing I was able to tell when I was full and stopped before I made myself miserable (NSV #1).

B: Chocolate Shakeology w/ 1/2 banana and 2 tsp Peanut Butter (Red, Purple, 2 tsp)
S: Apple (Purple)
L: Chips, salsa, guacamole, cheese, 1 taco (yellow, red, blue, blue, green) (too much blue today)
D: Spaghetti w/ homemade sauce (1/2 green, 1/2 red, yellow)

W/O: Upper Fix: 30 Minutes

Water: 40 oz

A couple more NSVs (Non-Scale Victory): Received a candy bouquet and didn't have one piece. Donuts were in the office but I resisted, and I could have had a soda at the work party but I opted for water and drank 1 and 1/2 glasses which is pretty good for me.
Also, I really didn't want to work out today since I pretty much bombed at lunch but I decided I needed to especially because lunch was bad. So I completed the work out and finished the day strong.

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