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"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." I'm a 25 year old girl trying to figure out life in regards to ministry, career, and relationships and striving to glorify God in everything.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A Woman Who is A Christian

I've been reading this book called "Designing A Lifestyle That Pleases God" by Pat Ennis and Lisa Tatlock. Its pretty convicting and I wanted to share a little part out of it. (this is just a summary)

This refers to a Wise Woman

The first thing was "an acrostic for the word Christian to look at day-to-day living:
Christ: The significance of the question is, does she just know about Christ, or does she know Him as her Lord and Savior?
Holy: Do we fill our minds with thoughts that will challenge us to live a holy lifestyle?
Reputation: Do I purpose to cultivate a reputation that invites others to imitate me as I imitate Christ?
Integrity: Am I a person of integrity?
Scriptures: Do I live like I believe them?
Theme of Titus 2:4-5: Am I willing to learn these skills and then teach others?
Inquire (or ask): Do I ask with a humble heart that is truly desirous of my heavenly Father's will?
Abstain: Do I abstain from every form of evil?
Nothing: Nothing is impossible with God; Do I trust God or lean on my own understanding?

When I read over these I found that my answer to most of the questions was no. This challenged me to start living in a way so that I could answer these questions with yes.

The other thing I wanted to share was "The Character of A Woman Who is A Christian"

If I speak to other woman about their scriptural roles and responsibilities but lack the motivation to integrate the teaching into my life, I am arrogant (James 2:22-25)

And though I know about the woman of the Bible and believe myself to be a devoted Christian but fail to emulate their model, I am nothing (1 Corinthians 10:11)

If I pursue Christian ministry and stay up all night preparing a theologically correct Bible Study but fail to develop the gentle and quiet spirit that is precious to my heavenly Father, my efforts are in vain (1 Peter 3:4)

A woman who is a Christian is gracious (Proverbs 11:16) even when others are not

She believes that the verbal picture of God's ideal woman painted in Proverbs 31:10-31 is as relevant today as the day it was written and seeks to emulate her qualities

A woman who is a Christian gleans insight from the knowledge of God's Word and seeks to become a Wise Woman (Proverbs 2:17-21)

She takes seriously the mandate of Titus 2:3-5 and intentionally acquires godly Christian role models and seeks to be one to those younger in the faith.

As for professional contacts, ultimately they will diminish in importance; as for speaking opportunities, they will be presented and the content eventually forgotten; as for strategic social events, they will occur and the memories will fade; but the woman who is a Christian prepares to face God's plan for her future WITH CONFIDENCE (Proverbs 31:25)

So, both the Christian Woman and the woman is a Christian abide in the Christian community; however, the woman who is a Christian cultivates a lifestyle that clearly displays that her values and character align with the Word of God.

I've got a lot to live up to. I challenge you (reader) to do the same! Hope this was encouraging :)

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